Release notes

Version 0.7.3

This release: - simplifies setting the width and height for a figure. We now do

not need to explicitly set the width and height of the embedded map (PR 221).
  • allows customising the style of lines added to the map in the drawing layer (PR 225).

Version 0.7.2

This release adds support for JupyterLab (PR 218).

Version 0.7.1

This minor release:

  • Deprecates the .data traitlet in heatmaps and weighted heatmaps in favour of .locations (for heatmap) and .locations and .weights. These now have validation, so a user can pass in a dataframe or numpy array (PR 211).
  • React to changes in the new .locations and .weights traitlets to actually update heatmaps dynamically. (PR 212).
  • Reduces page load size in documentation by compressing the images (PR 217).

Version 0.7.0

  • This minor release adds a drawing layer, giving the user the ability to add

arbitrary lines, markers and polygons to a map. The developer can bind callbacks that are run when a feature is added, allowing the development of complex, widgets- based application on top of jupyter-gmaps (PR 183). - It fixes a bug where the bounds were incorrectly calculated when two longitudes coincided (PR 204). - It fixes a bug where, for single latitudes, the returned bounds could stretch beyond what Google Maps allows (PR 204)

Version 0.6.2

This minor release:
  • fixes a bug that was introduced by shadowing a reserved traitlets method (PR 184)
  • migrates the codebase to flake8 3.5.0 (PR 195)

Version 0.6.1

This is a patch release that is identical to 0.6.0. The dependencies in the conda-forge release of 0.6.0 were badly specified.

Version 0.6.0

This release:
  • PRs 166, 171 and 172 migrate jupyter-gmaps to ipywidgets 7.0.0 (released on the 18th August 2017). This is a breaking change: jupyter-gmaps will not work with ipywidgets 6.x versions.
  • PRs 163 and 169 add a layer for displaying bicycling information.
  • PRs 165 and 169 add a layer for displaying transit (public transport) information.
  • PR 170 adds a layer for displaying traffic information.
  • PR 173 improves the layout of the CSS
  • PR 173 improves the CSS used for embedding

Version 0.5.4

This release:
  • Fixes a bug where bounds were incorrectly calculated for the case where there was a single point in the data (PR 160).
  • Allows setting the travel mode in the directions layer (PR 157).
  • Fixes the release script to use a fork of the conda-forge feedstock (PR 156).

Version 0.5.3

This release adds two minor features:
It also makes the following non-breaking changes:
  • Refactor JS to use ES6 classes.

Version 0.5.3

This release adds two minor features:
It also makes the following non-breaking changes:
  • Refactor JS to use ES6 classes.

Version 0.5.2

This is a bugfix release.
  • Bounds are now calculated correctly when there are multiple layers (PR 148).
  • Latitude bounds cannot exceed the maximum allowed by Google Maps (PR 149).
  • Alpha values of 1.0 are now allowed.

Version 0.5.1

This patch release:
  • fixes flakiness downloading images as PNGs (issue 129).
  • adds an error box view for errors that come up in the frontend.
It adds improvements to the development workflow:
  • License is included in the source to facilicate deployment to conda-forge
  • Facilitate installation in dev mode.
  • Automation of release process.

Version 0.5.0

This release:

  • introduces a new Figure widget that wraps a toolbar and a map
  • adds the ability to export maps to PNG
  • fixes bugs and outdated dependencies that prevented embedding maps in rendered HTML.

Version 0.4.1

  • Add a GeoJSON layer (PRs #106 and #115)
  • Add the geojson_geometries module for bundling GeoJSON geometries with jupyter-gmaps (PR #111).
  • Minor improvements to README and compatibility guide.
  • Support for Python 3.6 (PR #107).

Version 0.4.0

  • Add factory functions to make creating layers easier. Instead of creating widgets directly, the widgets are instantiated through *_layer() functions which are easier to use and more tolerant of user input. This fixes:
    • passing arbitrary iterables to the factory function (issue #66)
    • passing more complex sets of options (issue #65)
  • The directions interface is now a first class layer (issue #64)
  • A regression whereby the API documentation wasn’t building on readthedocs is now fixed (PR #105).

Version 0.3.6

  • Adds info boxes to the marker and symbol layers (PR #98).

Version 0.3.5

  • Bugfix in deprecated heatmap method (PR #89).

Version 0.3.4

  • Add marker and symbol layer (PR #78)
  • Fix bug involving incorrect latitude bound calculation.

Version 0.3.3

  • Improve automatic bounds calculations for heatmaps (PR #84)

Version 0.3.2

  • Allow setting heatmap options (issues #74)
  • Basic unit tests for traitlets, mixins and datasets
  • Continuous integration with Travis CI.

Version 0.3.1

Fix release to allow injecting Google maps API keys. Google maps now mandates API keys, so this release provides a way to pass in a key (issue #61).

This release also includes a fix for having multiple layers on the same map.

Version 0.3.0

Complete re-write of gmaps to work with IPython 4.2 and ipywidgets 5.x. This release is at feature parity with the previous release, but the interface differs:

  • Maps are now built up from a base to which we add layers.
  • Heatmaps and weighted heatmaps are now layers that can be added to the base map.
  • Add the acled_africa dataset to demonstrate heatmaps with a substantial amount of data.
  • Now fits into the Jupyter installation convention for widget extensions.
  • Add sphinx documentation
  • Remove example notebooks (these may be added back in a later release)

Version 0.2.2

  • Remove dependency on Numpy
  • Fix broken datasets example (issue #52)

Version 0.2.1

test release – no changes.

Version 0.2

  • IPython 4.0 compatibility
  • Python 3 compatibility
  • Drop IPython 2.x compatibility

Version 0.1.6

Fixed typo in setup script.

Version 0.1.5

Weighted heatmaps and datasets

  • Added possibility of including weights in heatmap data.
  • Added a datasets module to allow new users to play around with data without having to find their own dataset.

Version 0.1.4

Another bugfix release.

  • Fixed a bug that arose when using heatmap with default values of some of the parameters.

Version 0.1.3

Bugfix release.

  • Fixed a bug that arose when using the heatmap with IPython2.3 in the previous release. The bug was caused by the slightly different traitlets API between the two IPython versions.

Version 0.1.2

Minor heatmap improvements.

  • Exposed the ‘maxIntensity’ and ‘radius’ options for heatmaps.

Version 0.1.1

Bugfix release.

  • Ensures the notebook extensions are actually included in the source distribution.

Version 0.1

Initial release.

  • Allows plotting heatmaps from a list / array of pairs of longitude, latitude floats on top of a Google Map.