Building applications with jupyter-gmaps

You can use jupyter-gmaps as a component in a Jupyter widgets application. Jupyter widgets let you embed rich user interfaces in Jupyter notebooks. For instance:
  • you can use maps as a way to get user input. The drawing layer lets users draw markers, lines or polygons on the map. We can specify arbitrary Python code that runs whenever a shape is added to the map. As an example, we will build an application where, whenever the user places a marker, we retrieve the address of the marker and write it in a text widget.
  • you can use maps as a way to display the result of an external computation. For instance, if you have timestamped geographical data (for instance, you have the date and coordinates of a series of events), you can combine a heatmap with a slider to see how events unfold over time.

Reacting to user actions on the map

The drawing layer lets us specify Python code to be executed whenever the user adds a feature (like a marker, a line or a polygon) to the map. To demonstrate this, we will build a small application for reverse geocoding: when the user places a marker on the map, we will find the address closest to that marker and write it in a text widget. We will use geopy, a wrapper around several geocoding APIs, to calculate the address from the marker’s coordinates.

This is the entire code listing:

from tabulate import tabulate
import ipywidgets as widgets
import geopy
import gmaps

API_KEY = 'AIz...'


class ReverseGeocoder(object):
    Jupyter widget for finding addresses.

    The user places markers on a map. For each marker,
    we use `geopy` to find the nearest address to that
    marker, and write that address in a text box.

    def __init__(self):
        self._figure = gmaps.figure()
        self._drawing = gmaps.drawing_layer()
        self._address_box = widgets.Text(
            description='Address: ',
            layout={'width': '95%', 'margin': '10px 0 0 0'}
        self._geocoder = geopy.geocoders.GoogleV3(api_key=API_KEY)
        self._container = widgets.VBox([self._figure, self._address_box])

    def _get_location_details(self, location):
        return self._geocoder.reverse(location, exactly_one=True)

    def _clear_address_box(self):
        self._address_box.value = ''

    def _show_address(self, location):
        location_details = self._get_location_details(location)
        if location_details is None:
            self._address_box.value = 'No address found'
            self._address_box.value = location_details.address

    def _new_feature_callback(self, feature):
            location = feature.location
        except AttributeError:
            return # Not a marker

        # Clear address box to signify to the user that something is happening

        # Remove all markers other than the one that has just been added.
        self._drawing.features = [feature]

        # Compute the address and display it

    def render(self):
        return self._container


There are several things to note on this:

  • We wrap the application in a ReverseGeocoder class. Wrapping your application in a class (rather than using the notebook’s global namespace) helps with encapsulation and lets you instantiate this widget multiple times. Since the flow through widget applications is often more complex than linear data analysis workflows, encapsulation will improve your ability to reason about the code.
  • As part of the class constructor, we use gmaps.figure() to create a figure. We add use gmaps.drawing_layer() to create a drawing layer, which we add to the figure. We also create a widgets.Text widget. This is a text box in which we will write the address. We then wrap our figure and the text box in a single widgets.VBox, a widget container that stacks widgets vertically.
  • We register a callback on the drawing layer using .on_new_feature. The function that we pass in to .on_new_feature will get called whenever the user adds a feature to the map. This is the hook that lets us build complex applications on top of the drawing layer: we can run arbitrary Python code when the user adds a marker to the map.
  • In the .on_new_feature callback, we first check whether the feature that has been added is a marker (the user could, in principle, have added another feature type, like a line, to the map).
  • Assuming the feature is a valid marker, we first clear the text widget containing the address. This gives feedback to the user that something is happening.
  • We then re-write the .features array of the drawing layer, keeping just the marker that the user has just added. This clears previous markers, avoiding clutter on the map.
  • We then use geopy to find the adddress. Assuming the address is valid, display it in the text widget.